Thursday, March 13, 2008

Weather Camp 2008

After skipping last year since I was out of state, we are now making plans to host JSU's summer Weather Camp again. The dates have been set for June 2-6, and applications are requested from interested high school age students. This educational day camp is sponsored by the NOAA Center for Atmospheric Studies, of which Jackson State is a part. The selected students will receive a modest stipend upon completion.

So what do we do during a Weather Camp? Besides interactive learning about weather and the atmosphere, there are field trips to weather observing sites, the National Weather Service office, a television studio, etc. Participants also prepare a short presentation on a topic of interest to them.

Do you know of a youth who has an interest in weather and climate? Encourage them to apply today! We plan to accept applications through the end of April. Information and application guidelines will be posted on the website. Any questions?

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