Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Welcome to DoWaC!

The weather's fine, spring is in the air, and mid-terms are past again. It's a great time to start a new blog. While I'm hoping this will especially be a useful forum for my Meteorology students here at Jackson State University, I intend to use it for discussion of a wide variety of topics relating to weather and climate. Suggestions are of course welcome. We may try to do different themes according to the day of the week, depending how the flow goes.

Some posts will be specifically designed to relate to current class topics. Others will deal with current weather events, online resources (including other blogs), research topics, professional development, weather/climate impacts, etc. Of course, I'll be a lot more motivated to develop the blog if I get good participation via comments.

If you are not a JSU Meteorology major, then come on in anyway! The broader the base of discussion, the better the blog will be. I would of course ask that the discussion be kept civil, positive, and reasonably close to the topic. It would also be nice if everyone could double-check their comments for correct spelling and grammar before publishing. When posting for the first time, please try to give clarification whether you are a JSU student, atmospheric science professional, general public, or whatever.

Now, about the JSU Meteorology Program. We are a small (3 faculty) program granting Bachelor of Science degrees in Meteorology. Currently JSU is the only historically black college/university (HBCU) offering a B.S. in Meteorology. So yes, we do think we're kinda special. And we like to think that each of our students is special.

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