Thursday, March 27, 2008

Science Fair season

Today and tomorrow the Mississippi Region II Intel Science Fair is being judged here at JSU. Over 1500 students are participating this year. Several entries this year relate to atmospheric sciences. Judges were reminded this morning by Dr. Mark Hardy (Dean of the College of Science, Engineering, and Technology) of the declining interest among American students in scientific careers and the potential role of science fairs for building students' enthusiasm for science. Also, the regional fair gives a rare opportunity for so many pre-college students to get a glimpse of the university.


Nancy W said...

Our homeschool Group had several students go last year to the Science Fair. We need to hold a Science Fair next year for sure. This year they are just doing a project sharing without judging.

Unknown said...

Dagny was going to submit a project on weather (about how and why air moves) for the share fair but just changed her mind (The Human Skeleton).

The homeschool group (PEAK) will definitely have a science fair next year. Until then, I'm thinking about starting a science club.